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Bangor West Little League

Baseball & Softball

News Detail


May, 2021

COVID Guidelines and Self-Screen Checklist

Quick Link: Find our COVID-19 Self-Screen Checklist here.

Dear Bangor West Little League Families:

As we return to the field, Bangor West Little League wants to share with all families, volunteers, and spectators the efforts our league will be undertaking to mitigate the risks of COVID-19. 

Our policies, developed in accordance with Centers for Disease Control, Maine Principals' Association and Little League International guidance, ensure that you and your children will be as safe as possible from practice, to first pitch, to the bottom of the sixth. 

Managers, Coaches and Officials: All managers, coaches, volunteers, umpires, etc., must wear cloth or medical-grade face coverings at all times. 

Players: Players must wear cloth face coverings when in close contact areas and in places where recommended social distancing is challenging or not feasible, especially when on the bench or in dugouts. Players are not required to wear a cloth face covering while in the field during game play. 

All players and coaches are to refrain from spitting at all times, including in dugout areas and on the playing field.

Players are encouraged to bring a drink or water bottle. These should be labeled with the person’s name, and must not be shared between participants under any circumstances. Snacks, including gum and sunflower seeds, are not permitted in dugouts, on benches or in the field.

There will be no unnecessary physical contact. This includes high fives, handshakes, fist bumps, chest bumps, hugs, or team huddles. There will be no handshakes post-game.

The league's shared equipment, including bats, batting helmets, and catcher’s gear, will be sanitized on a regular basis.

Parents: All spectators should follow best social distancing practices — stay six feet away from individuals outside their household and if not possible, wear a cloth face covering at all times. Please avoid direct hand or other contact with players/managers/coaches during play. To aid in distancing, spectators should bring their own seating or portable chairs when possible.

Please allow for physical separation between the playing field, including the benches/dugouts, and the spectator area. For games on the major league baseball/softball field, spectators must watch the game from beyond the dugout entrance gates. Spectators are not allowed behind home plate, or on the 1st or 3rd infield baselines. 

ALL PARTICIPANTS AND SPECTATORS: An individual with any of the following conditions should not attend a practice or game until evaluated by a medical provider and given clearance to do so: 

• Active COVID-19 infection 

• Known direct contact with an individual testing positive for COVID-19 

• Fever 

• Cough 

• Those at higher risk for severe disease should consider consultation with their medical provider before attending a game and should ensure the strictest adherence to guidelines regarding face coverings, distancing, and handwashing.

All participants and spectators are asked to 'self screen' prior to arrival. Please see the BWLL COVID-19 Self-Screen checklist here.

We encourage you to discuss these protocols with your family. Please note, similar policies are in effect when playing away games, though each facility may have slight variations. Thank you for helping us to ensure a safe and fun season of Bangor West Little League. 

Let's play ball!

Board of Directors, Bangor West Little League

Contact Us

Bangor West Little League

PO Box 2008 
Bangor, Maine 04402

Email: [email protected]

Bangor West Little League

PO Box 2008 
Bangor, Maine 04402

Email: [email protected]
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